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Dubois to Colter Bay, Wyoming. (66 mi.) Mile 2965Up and over to the Grand Tetons
This morning the wind was calm, or at most, barely enough to bend the grass in our direction, but not the trees, a beautiful morning to climb out of the scent of sagebrush to that of alpine meadows and conifers. After 30 miles and 2600 ft of climbing through the craggy peaks of Wyoming's big game country, we crossed the Continental Divide again at Togwotee Pass, where a sign said we had 17 miles of 6% downhill. We zoomed down the other side, only slowed by the westside headwind and the chilly temperature. Yee-ha! Entering bear country. I hope the bears follow the rules.Togwotee Pass
Another of many Continental Divide crossingsThe other side of Togwotee opens into miles of high elevation meadow and creek drainage. Near our lunch stop at Togwotee Lodge, we got our first titillating look at the Grand Tetons. These loomed larger and more majestic as we rode toward them across the expansive valley and into Grand Teton National Park. This was one of the most spectacularly scenic rides of our trip, especially impressive from the open air vantage point of a bicycle. We set up our tent in the hiker/biker campground and had dinner at Colter Bay Village Cafe. Late afternoon thunderstorms soaked the Park, but we slept well, as usual.