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Sisters to Delta Campground, Blue River, Oregon. (44 miles) Mile 4124Over the CascadesThe first good thing today is that we crossed the last significant mountain range between us and the Pacific Coast, the Cascades. The change in the ecosystem from east to west was dramatic as we climbed up 11 miles (2,000 feet gain) through Ponderosa pine forests, and then soared down 33 miles (4,000 feet loss) through old growth Douglas fir, cedar, vine maple, ferns, and moss.McKenzie Pass cuts through an ancient lava flow
The lava block observatory at the summit of McKenzie PassLooking toward the Three Sisters and the Belnap lava field from the McKenzie Pass SummitThe road down the west side of McKenzie winds through dense forest. We only saw about half a dozen vehicles on the east side of the Pass.The second good thing today, is that we were totally pampered by John and Karen Poole. We met them on the Illinois-Kentucky border as they were going west to east on the TransAm Trail. They have extensive bicycle touring experience and have crossed the country twice. They came up from their home in Salem OR, parked their camp trailer in a campground on the west side of McKenzie Pass, bicycled up to greet us as we were coming down, and then fed us lunch and dinner (BBQ chicken), and dessert, ice cream and home baked apple cobbler. They provided hot showers for us, and insisted we enjoy the comfy bed in the trailer while they slept outside in their tent. But the best part was enjoying their company. We found a lot to talk about. It was a great day!